Our team

Audrey E. Kane, PhD, OTR/L
Assistant Professor
Director of Admissions and Recruitment
Phone: 804-828-1575
Email: kaneae@vcu.edu
Research Lab
Professional Interests:
- Early childhood – Care in the neonatal intensive care unit through 3 years of age
- Motor and cognitive development in children born premature
- Quality of parent-child interaction in families with children who have special needs
- Community-based programs and activities
- PhD in Health Related Sciences from Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia (2013)
- MS in Occupational Therapy from Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia (1991)
- Bachelor of Arts from Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas (1983)
Certifications and Licensure
- License to practice occupational therapy in the Commonwealth of VA
- NBCOT certification
- Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests Certification (Sensory Integration International)
- Certified Infant Massage Instructor (International Assocation of Infant Massage)
Selected Publications
- Butera, C, Brown, SE, Burnsed, J, Darring, J, Harper, A, Hendricks-Munoz, KD, Hyde, M, Kane, AE, Miller, M, Stevenson, R, Spence, CM, & Dusing, SC. (2023). Factors Influencing Receipt and Type of Therapy Services in the NICU. Behavioral Sciences, 13(6), 481. https://doi.org/10.3390/bs13060481
- Spence, C, Stuyvenberg, C, Kane, A, Burnsed, J, and Dusing, S. (2023) Parent Experiences in the NICU and Transition to Home. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, 6050. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20116050
- Koziol, NA, Butera, C, Kretch, KS, Harbourne, RT, Lobo, MA, McCoy,SW, Hsu, L, Willett, S, Kane, AE, Boviard, JA, & Dusing, SC. (2022). Effect of the START-Play Physical Therapy Intervention on Cognitive Skills Depends on Caregiver-Provided Learning Opportunities. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics, 42:5, 510-525, https://doi.org/10.1080/01942638.2022.2054301
- Kretch, KS, Koziol, NA, Marcinowski, EC, Kane, AE, Indamar, K, Brown, ED, Boviard, JA, Harbourne, RT, Hsu. L, Lobo, MA, & Dusing, SC. (2022). Infant posture and caregiver-provided cognitive opportunities in typically developing infants and infants with motor delay. Developmental Psychobiology, 64,e22233. https://doi.org/10.1002/dev.22233
- An, M, Nord, J., Koziol, NA, Dusing, SC, Kane, A.E, Lobo, MA, McCoy, SW, & Harbourne, RT. (2020). Developing a fidelity measure of early intervention programs for children with neuromotor disorders. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, DOI:10.1111/dmcn.14702
- Khurana, S, Kane, A, Brown, S, Tarver, T, & Dusing, S. (2020). Effect of neonatal therapy on neurobehavior, neuromotor and cognitive development of preterm infants: a systematic review. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 62(3), DOI:10.1111/dmcn.14485
- Dusing, S., Harbourne, R., Lobo, M., Westcott-Mccoy, S., Bovaird, J., Kane, A., . . . Brown, S. (2019). A Physical Therapy Intervention to Advance Cognitive and Motor Skills: A Single Subject Study of a Young Child With Cerebral Palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy : The Official Publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association, 31(4), 347-352.
Selected Abstracts
- Kane, A., Dusing, S., Marcinowski, E., & Hsu, L. (2019). Parent-Provided Cognitive Opportunities and Infant Mobility During Play for Children With Motor Impairments. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(4_Supplement_1), 7311515358p1.
- Khurana S, Dusing S, Kane A, Brown S, Tarver T. (2019). Effect of neonatal therapy intervention on neurobehavior, neuromotor on cognitive development of preterm infants Scientific Paper Presentation at the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology Conference. September 2019. Anaheim, CA. DMCN 61 (Supplement 3) 66
- Greenberg, K., Marcinowski, E., Kane, A., Dusing, S., Chalker, S., Harbourne, R., Lobo, M., McCoy, S., & Bovaird, J. (2019). Impact of Parent Led Play on Infant Positions and Transitions, Research Platform, 2019 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, January 25, 2019, Washington DC.
Key Professional Service
- Director of Admissions & Recruitment for VCU Department of Occupational Therapy
- Diversity Learning Events Team, College of Health Professions, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Holistic Admissions Task Force, College of Health Professions, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Health Sciences Admissions Dean’s Council, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Advisory Board for PhD in Health Related Sciences program, College of Health Professions, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Recruitment Inclusive Champion, Virginia Commonwealth University
Stepping In Trainer, Virginia Commonwealth University - AOTA Academic Education Special Interest Section: Advocacy Chair
- AOTA OTCAS Application Task Group
- Editorial Board Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
- Reviewer for American Journal of Occupational Therapy