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Carole K. Ivey, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Tenured Associate Professor
Phone: 804-828-3645
Email: civey@vcu.edu
Professional interests
- Simulation
- Special education and related services
- Interprofessional education and teamwork
- 2011: Ph.D. in Education, Special Education and Disability Policy, Virginia Commonwealth University
- 2000: M.H.S. in Occupational Therapy, University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana
- 1997: Maternal and Child Health Leadership Education Program in Childhood and Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (MCH-LEND), Virginia Commonwealth University
- 1993: B.S. in Occupational Therapy, Virginia Commonwealth University
Certifications and Licensure
- Virginia Occupational Therapy License
- National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy
- Sensory Integration and Praxis Test Certification
- Principal Investigator, Interdisciplinary Training for Inclusive Practices, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, 2017-2022 (NCE 2023). ($1.1 million)
- Roster of Fellows, American Occupational Therapy Association (2020)
- Educator Award of Merit, Virginia Occupational Therapy Association (2020)
- Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award, VCU College of Health Professions (2018)
Selected Publications
- Winship, J., Ivey, C.K., & Etz, R. (2019). Opportunities for occupational therapy on a primary care team. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(4, Supplement 1), doi:10.5014/ajot.2017.71S1-RP402C
- Kim, G., Carrico, C., Ivey, C., & Wunsch, P. B. (2019). Impact of sensory adapted dental environment on children with developmental disabilities. Special Care in Dentistry, 39(2), 180-187. doi: 10.1111/scd.12360
- Bowman, D., Ivey, C. K., & Lockeman, K. (2018). Changes in physical and occupational therapy students’ self-efficacy using an interprofessional case-based educational experience. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 32(2), 199-205. Doi: 10.1097/JTE.0000000000000055
- Caracci, H., Reynolds, S., & Ivey, C. (2018). Made to measure: Determining pediatric therapy dosage. OT Practice, 23(18), 10-13. doi https://www.aota.org/~/media/Corporate/Files/Secure/Publications/OTP/2018/OTP-Volume-23-Issue-18-October-2018.pdf
- Dow, A. W., Ivey, C. K., & Shulman, B. B. (2018). The future of pediatric speech-language pathology in a more collaborative world. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 65(1), 171-177. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pcl.2017.08.029
Selected Abstracts
- Ivey, C. (2023). How to ADL: What the evidence says. Virginia Occupational Therapy Association Child and Youth Conference.
- Sharmeli, N., Ivey, C. & Andelin, L (2023). Utilization of Collaboration to Promote Professional Identity [poster presentation]. Virginia Occupational Therapy Association Child and Youth Conference.
- Ivey, C., & Mader, K. (2022). Incorporating prebriefing and debriefing in simulation. American Occupational Therapy Association Education Summit.
- Ivey, C., Reynolds, S., & Kane, A. (2022). Developing an Inclusive Curriculum. [poster presentation]. American Occupational Therapy Association Education Summit.
- Weinstein, T., Ivey, C., Pecoraro, G., Eversman, S., & Power-deFur, L. (2022). Interprofessional collaboration: How OTs can support SLPs through sensory processing strategies. Virginia Occupational Therapy Association Child and Youth Conference., Midlothian, VA.
- Ivey, C., & Balog, R. (2022). Let’s talk puberty: The role of OT during sexual maturation. Virginia Occupational Therapy Association Child and Youth Conference., Midlothian, VA.
- Brown, S., Ivey, C., Laverdure, P., & Power-deFur, L. (2021). Advancing the interdisciplinary practice competencies of specialized instructional support personnel. [poster presentation]. Office of Special Education Programs, Project Directors’ Conference, Washington, D.C.
- Chu, V. & Ivey, C. (2021). Developing an online platform for structured case clinical simulation to foster clinical competency and evaluation clinical reasoning. American Occupational Therapy Association Inspire 2021.
- Jones, K., Lynn, J., & Ivey, C. (2021). Creating a constraint induced movement therapy program at an outpatient pediatric clinic. [poster presentation]. American Occupational Therapy Association Inspire 2021.
- Finch, R., & Ivey, C. (2021). Educating the whole child of every child: A universal design for learning initiative for early childhood education. Virginia Occupational Therapy Association Child and Youth Conference.
- Laverdure, P., Power-deFur, L, Ivey, C. (2021). Advancing the interdisciplinary practice competencies of SIS. [poster presentation]. Council for Exceptional Children.
- Robins, J., Ivey, C., Miles, E. (2020). Interprofessional evidence based practice: The potential role of virtual simulation. [poster presentation]. American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
- Ivey, C.K. (2020). Universal design for learning to enhance access and participation. Presented at 2020 Virginia Occupational Therapy Association School System Symposium, Midlothian, VA.
- Ivey, C. (2019). Debriefing: A critical component to promote learning in standardized patient labs. [poster presentation]. AOTA Education Summit, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Ivey, C., & Laverdure, P. (2019). Building advanced competency in education through successful doctoral capstones. [poster presentation]. AOTA Education Summit, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Kornblau, B., Banks, F., Davidson, L., Holley, T., Ivey, C., & Lawson, S. (2019). Entry-level degree mandate: Impact of OT Doctorate, to “D” or not to D OTD, PhD. Invited panel member, Washington DC Biennial Conference.
- Laverdure, P., & Ivey, C. (2019). Considering context: The keystone in evidence-informed decision making in school practice. AOTA Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- McDonald, M., Ivey, C., & Teitelman, J. (2019). Addressing burnout among a staff of pediatric healthcare professionals and private school teachers: An evidence based approach. [poster presentation.] AOTA Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Ivey, C., Reynolds, S., & Winship, J. (2019). Using structured case clinical simulation questions to foster clinical competency and evaluate critical thinking. [poster presentation.] AOTA Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Book Chapters
- Ivey, C., & Smiley, J. (2022). Appendix I: Using standardized patients in the occupational therapy curriculum. In A. Zapletal, J. Baird, T. Van Oss, M. Hoppe, J. Prast, and E.A. Herge, Clinical Simulation for Health Care Professionals. New Jersey: Slack Inc.
- Shepherd, J., & Ivey, C. (2019). Assessment and treatment of activities of daily living, sleep, rest, and sexuality. In J.C. O’Brien and H. Kuhaneck (Eds.), Case-Smith’s Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents-8th ed. (pp. 267-314). Mosby.
- Ivey, C. K. & Lowman, D. K. (2016). Nutrition and mealtime considerations. In F. P. Orelove, D. Sobsey, & D. Gilles (Eds.), Educating students with severe and multiple disabilities (5th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.
Key Professional Service
- Vice President, Virginia Down Syndrome Association
- Co-facilitator, School Community of Practice, Virginia Occupational Therapy Association