Our team

Va-LEND OT Faculty https://virginialend.partnership.vcu.edu/
Professional interests
- Sensory Integration and Processing
- Assistive Technology across the lifespan
- Fieldwork Education
- 2018: OTD in Occupational Therapy, Virginia Commonwealth University
- 2013: Virginia Leadership Education for People with Disabilities (Va-LEND) Trainee Certification, Virginia Commonwealth University
- 2009: M.S. in Occupational Therapy, Virginia Commonwealth University
- 2004: B.A. in English Literature and Psychology, University of Virginia
Certifications and Licensure
- Virginia Occupational Therapy License
- National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy
- STAR Center Intensive Sensory Integration Certification
- AOTA Board Certification in Pediatrics
Selected Publications
- Andelin, L., Teng, K., & Piller, A. (2023, July). Burning issues in sensory integration and practice. SensorNet Magazine, 60.
- Piller, A., Teng, K., & Andelin, L. (2023, July). Sensory interventions in the school-based setting: Using tiered instruction to address sensory processing needs. SensorNet Magazine, 60.
- Reynolds, S. & Andelin, L. (2021, November). Sleep and Screens? How technology can be used to improve sleep in children. American Occupational Therapy Association Special Interest Section Quarterly. (Invited Paper)
- Andelin, L., Johnson, L., Wiles, A., Piller, A. & Achord, A. (2021). Sensory Processing and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. OT Practice. CE-1-10.
- Andelin, L., Schoen, S., & Reynolds, S. (2021). Effectiveness of occupational therapy using a sensory integration approach: A multiple-baseline design study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(6).
Book Chapters
- Gentry, T., Andelin, L., Capps, M., Damiao, J., & Lent, B. (in press). Assistive Technology for People with Brain Injuries. In N. A. Zasler, D. Katz, & R. Zafone (Eds.), Brain Injury Medicine (3rd ed.). New York: Springer.
Selected Abstracts
- October 2023 - “Person First vs Identity First Language: The Evolution of the Neurodiversity Movement and What That Means for OT Practitioners” VOTA Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, Virginia
- October 2023 - “CollaborATe: An Interdisciplinary Approach to AT” Closing the Gap, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- April 2023 - “Conversations that Matter: Burning Issues in Sensory Integration & Processing” AOTA, Kansas City, MO
- April 2023 - “Sensory Interventions in the School-Based Setting: Using Tiered Instruction to Address Sensory Processing Needs” AOTA, Kansas City, MO (3-hour workshop)
- April 2023 - “Building Competency in Ayres Sensory Integration Through a 12-Month Mentoring Program for OT Practitioners: Evaluating the Mentorship Experience” AOTA Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO (poster)
- March 2023 - Skills for Life: Assistive Technology Tools for Organization, Time Management, and Problem Solving for the Busy Practitioner. VOTA Child and Youth Conference, Staunton, VA
- March 2023 - Cortical Visual Impairment: Implications and Adaptations for Success in Treatment. VOTA Child and Youth Conference, Staunton, VA
Key Professional Service
- 2023-present: Sensory Integration and Processing Special Interest Section (SIPSIS) Chairperson, AOTA
- 2022-present: Virginia Occupational Therapy Association, Secretary
- 2020-2023: Sensory Integration and Processing Special Interest Section (SIPSIS) Leadership and Management Coordinator, AOTA