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PhD, Health Policy and Administration, Penn State University
MHA, University of Memphis
BPS, University of Memphis
Faculty Bio
M. Paige Powell, PhD is an Associate Professor of Health Administration and the MHA & MSHA Program Director. Dr. Powell has been teaching for over 20 years in courses such as Health Economics, Health Policy and Healthcare Systems, Healthcare Quality & Outcomes Management, and Interdisciplinary Approaches to solving community health issues. Dr. Powell’s research work focuses on building capacity for patient and family caregivers to work as a team with researchers and providers to improve the care of African American cancer patients She received a nationally competitive Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award from the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute in 2015 to build a coalition of patient and family caregivers, researchers, providers and support group representatives to train these stakeholders about patient-centered principles and team building. Dr. Powell is also interested in the role that multiple chronic conditions have in influencing healthcare use, especially in the emergency setting. Dr. Powell is a noted health policy expert who frequently comments on health policy for TV and radio news, regional papers, and national medical news websites. She also coaches Master of Health Administration students in several national case competitions. Most recently, Dr. Powell was awarded the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) 2022 John D. Thompson Prize, her “overall contributions to the field of health administration education, broadly defined.” Dr. Powell received her PhD in Health Policy and Administration from Penn State University in 2003 and has served on the faculty at University of South Carolina, University of Alabama at Birmingham, the University of Memphis, and as an adjunct for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Graduate School.
- Kim, H., Mahmood, A. & Powell, M.P. (2021; forthcoming). Health Information-seeking through Personal Health Records among Women Susceptible to Breast Cancer. Health Behavior & Policy Review, 8(2). 119-129. https://doi.org/10.14485/HBPR.8.2.3.
- Mahmood, A., Wyant, D. K., Kedia, S., Ahn, S. N., Powell, M. P., Jiang, Y., & Bhuyan, S. S. (2020). Self-Check-In Kiosks Utilization and Their Association With Wait Times in Emergency Departments in the United States. Journal of Emergency Medicine, 58(5), 829–840. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jemermed.2019.11.019
- Kim, H, Goldsmith, J.V., Sengupta, S., Mahmood, A., Powell, M.P., Bhatt, J. Chang, C.F., & Bhuyan, S.S. (2019) Mobile Health Application and e-Health Literacy: Opportunities and Concerns for Cancer Patients and Care Givers. Journal of Cancer Education, 34(1):3-8. – https://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-017-1293-5
- Kim, H., Carlton, E.L., Yu, X., Powell, M.P. Chang, C.F. Ahn, S. (2018). Preschoolers use of mental health services: An application of the Behavioral Model for Vulnerable Populations. Education and Health, 36(4): 117-123.
- Powell, M.P., Young, A.J., Kim, H. (2018). A Journey in Capacity Building. Revisiting the Mullins Framework for Meaningfully Engaging Patients in Patient Centered Outcomes Research. Frontiers in Public Health. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2018.00343
- Powell, M.P., Yu, X, Isehunwa, O. Chang, C.F. (2018). National Trends in Hospital Emergency Department Visits among Those with and without Multiple Chronic Conditions, 2007-2012, Hospital Topics.
- Goldsmith, J., Young, M., Dale, L., Powell, M.P. (2017). Plain language and health literacy for the oncology family caregiver: Examining an English/Spanish mHealth resource. Seminars in Oncology Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soncn.2017.09.008
- Kim, H., Powell M.P. Bhuyan, S.S. (2017). Seeking Medical Information Using Mobile Apps and the Internet: Are Family Caregivers Different from the General Public? Journal of Medical Systems, 41:38. doi:10.1007/s10916-017-0684-9
- Powell, M.P., Yu, X, Chang, C.F. (2016). Trends in Urgency of Emergency Department Visits among Those with and without Multiple Chronic Conditions, 2007-2012. Journal of Hospital and Medical Management, 2 (2).
- Powell, M.P., Post, L.R. Bishop, B.A. (2016). Alabama Physicians and Accountable Care Organizations: Will What We Don’t Know Hurt Us? American Journal of Medical Quality, 31(2):169-177 pii: 1062860614559600. [Epub ahead of print, 2014].