Our team

Peter Pidcoe, PT, DPT, PhD
Director of the Engineering and Biomechanics Lab
Phone: 628-3655
Email: pepidcoe@vcu.edu
Professional interests
Dr. Pidcoe is a member of the Department of Physical Therapy and has joint appointments in the School of Engineering's Department of Biomedical Engineering and the School of Medicine's Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He teaches Kinesiology and Biomechanics in the entry level DPT program. In the Ph.D. in Rehabilitation and Movement Science Program, he teaches Bioinstrumentation and Neuromuscular Performance. His clinical practice is in orthopedics and the VCUHS out-patient clinic. He is the director of the Engineering and Biomechanics Lab which blends students from engineering and physical therapy to work on projects that link engineering principles with physical therapy treatment and human performance measures.
DPT, Physical Therapy (2006), Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va.
B.S. Physical Therapy (1997), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
Ph.D. Bioengineering (1993), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
M.S. Bioengineering (1989), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
B.S. Environmental Resource Management (1979), Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pa.
Key professional service activities
Complete curriculum vitae outlining grants, publications, teaching and service →
For current research projects visit the Engineering and Biomechanics Lab →