Our team

Virginia W. Chu, PhD, OTR/L
Assistant Professor
Director, Sensorimotor Performance and Rehabilitation Engineering Lab
Phone: 804-828-1564
Email: vchu@vcu.edu
Research Lab
Professional Interests
- Sensorimotor Integration and Motor Control
- Development of Sensory Processing in Children
- Dyspraxia and Developmental Delays
- Pediatric Sensorimotor Evaluation and Assessments
- Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology
- 2014: MS in Occupational Therapy, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL
- 2009: PhD in Bioengineering, Stanford University, CA
- 2007: MS in Bioengineering, Stanford University, CA
- 2005: BASc in Engineering Science (Major: Biomedical Engineering) University of Toronto, ON
Certifications and Licensure
- Virginia Department of Health Professions, Licensed Occupational Therapist, #0119007155
- College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario, Registered Occupational Therapist, #G1509754
- National Board for Certification of Occupational Therapy, Inc., #333382
- Principal Investigator, Predictive ability of early somatosensory processing in preterm children on later motor development. NIH-NICHD R01, 2023-2028 ($2.1 million)
- 2023 National/International Research Award (NIRA) Scholar, Virginia Commonwealth University
Selected Publications
- Chu, V. W. T. & Dusing, S. C. (2022). Development and pilot testing of an early childhood somatosensory assessment: Somatosensory test of reaching. Developmental Psychobiology. DOI: 10.1002/dev.22334
- Reynolds, S., Daw, E., Babson, I.C., & Chu, V. (2022). What is Barth Tired? A qualitative approach to understanding fatigue in Barth syndrome from the perspective of family members. Journal of Rare Disorders: Diagnosis & Therapy, 8, (8), 1-8. DOI: 10.36648/2380-7245.8.8.72
- Chu, V. & Krishnan, K. (2022) Quantitative Assessment of Prewriting Skills in Children: The Development and Validation of a Tablet Assessment Tool. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 129 (3): 554-569. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/00315125221087802
- Chu, V., Girolami, G. L., & Grant-Beuttler, M. (2022) Assessing sensory processing differences in children with idiopathic toe walking: A pilot study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09593985.2022.2073929
- Judd, N., Calhoun, H., Chu, V., & Reynolds, S. (2020). The relationship between sleep and activity level in males with Barth syndrome: A cross-sectional analysis. Journal of Rare Diseases Research & Treatment, 5(2), 24-30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.29245/2572-9411/2020/2.1194
- Chu, V. W. T. (2020) Pilot study to measure deficits in proprioception in children with somatodyspraxia. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74.
- Chu V.W.T., Hornby T. G., Schmit B.D. (2018) Stepping responses to treadmill perturbations vary with severity of motor deficits in human SCI. Journal of Neurophysiology, 120(2):497-508.
Selected Published Abstracts
- Morris, N., Chu, V. (April 2023) Exploring Applicability of 3D Printed Devices in OT. AOTA Inspire 2023, Kansas City, MO.
- Inamdar, K., Manning, J., Chu, V. (April 2023) Wearable sensors for real-world tummy time tracking in young infants. AOTA Inspire 2023, Kansas City, MO.
- Manning, J., Inamdar, K., Thakur, D., Bowler, K., Chu, V. (April 2023) Validation of parent recall and accelerometer measure for tracking tummy time at home in term and preterm infants. AOTA Inspire 2023, Kansas City, MO.
- Nguyen, M., Quesinberry, M., Botha, N., Chu, V. (April 2023) Pilot testing of the somatosensory test of reaching in preterm children. AOTA Inspire 2023, Kansas City, MO.
- Ali, M., Davis, S., Amin, N., Chu, V. (April 2023) Pilot study to examine spatial awareness and motor performance in children. AOTA Inspire 2023, Kansas City, MO.
- Ali, M., Davis, S., Amin, N., Chu, V. (April 2023) Pilot study examining the relationship between force control and perception, motor performance, and sensory processing. AOTA Inspire 2023, Kansas City, MO.
- Pesci, M., Baker, M. E., Eilers, C., Chu, V. (April 2023) Evaluating the feasibility of using a standardized force control and perception assessment in young children. AOTA Inspire 2023, Kansas City, MO.
- Payne, S., Hunter, M., Reynolds, S., Chu, V. (April 2023) The Relationship Between Participant- Reported Energy Levels and Energy Expenditure and Sleep in Individuals with Barth Syndrome (BTHS). AOTA Inspire 2023, Kansas City, MO.
- Chu, V. (November 2022) Multisensory object permanence task in preterm children during early childhood. (Program No. 607.28). Peer reviewed poster presentation at Neuroscience 2022, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Pesci, M., Ali, M., & Chu, V. (September 2022) Measuring somatosensory processing in early childhood in children who were born preterm. 2022 American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, Las Vegas, NV.
- Inamdar, K., Manning, J., Bowler, K., Thakur, D., Dusing, S., & Chu, V. (September 2022) Remote tracking of tummy time in term and preterm infants using wearable sensors: A real-world validation study. 2022 American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, Las Vegas, NV.
- Chu, V., Girolami, G., & Grant-Beuttler, M. (April 2022) In Search of Evidence-Based Intervention Guidelines for Idiopathic Toe Walking. AOTA Inspire 2022, San Antonio, TX.
- Chu, V. (April 2022). Uncovering Biases Toward Pain: Pain Education in OT Programs. AOTA Inspire 2022, San Antonio, TX.
- Chu, V. and Rugari, C. (April 2022). 3D Printing, Design and OT. AOTA Inspire 2022, San Antonio, TX.
- Chu, V.W.T., Davis, S. & Amin, N. (November 2021) Establishing somatosensory milestones achieved during childhood. (Control Number: 4103). Peer reviewed poster presentation at Neuroscience 2021, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Chu, V.W.T. (November 2021) Reflections on pediatric pain education for occupational therapy students. (Control Number: 4434). Peer reviewed poster presentation at Neuroscience 2021, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Chu, V. & Ivey, C. (April, 2021). Developing an online platform for structured case clinical simulation to foster clinical competency and evaluation clinical reasoning. American Occupational Therapy Association Inspire 2021.
- Ruggiero, S., Inamdar, K., Chu, V. (April, 2021). Activity Trackers - Moving beyond step counting. American Occupational Therapy Association Inspire 2021.
- Anderson, L., Weeks, L., Molinini, R., Lee, J., Rahimian, K., White, T., Miller, M., Chu, V. (April, 2021). Using custom crayons to measure force perception and proprioception in young children: A feasibility study. American Occupational Therapy Association Inspire 2021.
- Rawat, T., Pruyn Bouley, H., Chu, V. (April, 2021). Promoting play during a global health crisis. American Occupational Therapy Association Inspire 2021.
- Amin, N., Davis, S., Chu, V. (April, 2021) The effect of proprioception on motor development. American Occupational Therapy Association Inspire 2021.
- Chu, V.W., Girolami, G.L., Soangra, R., Beuttler, R., Hollandsworth, C., Chheda, S., Grant-Beuttler, M. (October, 2019). Children with idiopathic toe walking showed differences in areas of tactile and vestibular processing. (Program No. 764.04). Peer reviewed poster presentation at Neuroscience 2019, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Molinini, R., Anderson, L., Lee, J., Rahimian, K., Dusing, S., Chu, V. (October, 2019). Feasibility of a protocol measuring force perception in young children using a play-based assessment in the natural environment. (Program No. 582.09). Peer reviewed poster presentation at Neuroscience 2019, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Chu, V.W., Gentry, T., Laverdure, P., Simons, D. (April, 2019) Understanding the Neuroscience and Treatment of Pain Across the Lifespan. Presented at 2019 American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Chu, V.W., Lee, J, Rahimian, K, Anderson, L. (October, 2018). Evaluation and Intervention of Toe Walking in Children. Presented at 2018 Virginia Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Wintergreen, VA.
Key Professional Service
- Reviewer, American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2022-current
- Member, Integrated Training Collaborative, VA Early Intervention Professional Development Center, 2021-current
- Advisory board member, Urban Baby Beginnings, Richmond, VA, 2018-current
- Expert Reviewer, Evaluation in Ayers Sensory Integration (EASI) assessment, 2016-current