Our team

Michael Kammerman, BS, CHSE, CHSOS, EMT-P (Ret)
Director of Simulation
Phone: 804-828-1364
Email: mkammerman@vcu.edu
Mr. Kammerman joined the Department of Nurse Anesthesia in 2009 from the VCU Health Systems Emergency Department where he served as the Simulation / Weapons of Mass Destruction technician. Mr. Kammerman received paramedic level training from the Yale New-Haven Hospital Paramedic Education Program in 1993 where he served as the class president. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Professional Sciences magna cum laude from VCU in May 2020 and was selected as the student commencement speaker. Mr. Kammerman was also inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi honor society in October 2019. His interests include patient safety, high fidelity human patient simulation technologies, simulation research, and task trainer development. Mr. Kammerman has been one of the primary developers of the Baricity Educational Spinal Tool (B.E.S.T.) created at VCU.
When not in the simulation lab Mr. Kammerman enjoys time with his family, playing golf and saltwater fishing.