April 16 and 17 - CHP Research Week
Join us for VCU and CHP Research Weeks as we celebrate our groundbreaking discoveries and continued quest to lift lives and improve the human condition. For VCU research weeks events, please visit researchweeks.vcu.edu.
Student Poster Session
April 16 from 11AM - 2PM at CHP
SOTL Summit
April 17 from 9AM - 12PM at CHP
The program activities will involve facilitated workgroup conversations focused on the college's shared SOTL focus areas and how we plan to advance our SOTL.
Discovery Think Tank
April 17 from 1PM -3PM at CHP
The program activities will involve facilitated workgroup conversations focused on the college's shared research interests and how we plan to advance our research.
Networking Reception
April 17 from 3PM - 4PM at CHP