Recognized as a leader in health care education, several of our programs are consistently ranked in the top five by US News & World Report.
Degree programs
The College of Health Professions is home to programs across nine key health career fields. We offer 3 undergraduate, 6 master’s, 6 doctoral and 5 certificate programs across our departments.
The College of Health Professions also has pathway programs, such as the Allied Health Career Exploration Program, the Summer Academic Enrichment Program and the Occupational Therapy Academy.
The M.S. in gerontology with the assisted living administration speciality area is the only National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards-accredited program in Virginia, and one of just 12 NAB-accredited programs in the nation.
Degrees offered
Master of Science in Gerontology: Prepares students for immediate employment in aging services, with customized studies in specialized areas of interest; program can be completed online, in person or as a hybrid of the two.
Master of Science in Gerontology with a concentration in geriatric care management: Industry and labor experts have known for decades that there is an urgent, growing need for more Geriatric Care Managers. Within this rapidly growing field, these professionals play a crucial role for families and individuals during important life moments that impact health, care, and wellbeing.
Post-baccalaureate graduate certificate in Aging Studies: Designed for students already working in the medical, therapy or caregiving fields (either directly or indirectly with an elderly population) who want to enhance their qualifications with formal training in gerontology
Where Gerontology graduates work
One hundred percent of gerontology students are employed following graduation. Our grads work across the network of aging services in areas such as:
- Administration, including assisted living and long-term care, government, business and nonprofit organizations.
- Policy and advocacy, where they challenge the biases that many people hold about the aging process and creating national initiatives like the viral #DisruptAgeism campaign.
- Social services and geriatric care management, providing assistance with service integration and management.
- Entrepreneurship, launching community programs like Richmond’s East End Initiative to improve community wellness options for seniors.
Health Administration
No. 3 in the nation among all health administration programs, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report
Degrees offered
Master of Health Administration: Industry-specific master’s program combining rigorous business and management training with a competency-based focus on preparing graduates for the unique challenges of the health care and nonprofit sectors; features two years of on-campus classes followed by a yearlong industry residency; three dual-degree programs allow students to complete an M.D., J.D. or M.S.I.S. at the same time as the M.H.A.
Master of Health Administration/Juris Doctor from the University of Richmond (Dual degree): Advanced study in health administration and law is available through a dual degree program co-sponsored by the department and the school of law at the University of Richmond. The program leads to the awarding of the Master of Health Administration and Juris Doctor degrees.
Master of Science in Health Administration: A 22-month blended program of on-campus classes and online learning designed for the mid-career health professional; does not include a residency but shares the M.H.A.’s concentration on both management training and health care industry competency
Doctoral Program in Health Services Organization and Research: Prepares individuals for careers in teaching, research and consulting at the highest level of capability in the field of health care organizational analysis and health services research; graduates will be competitive for positions at the nation’s top research and teaching institutions, governmental agencies and health care organizations
Graduate Certificate in Health Care Financial Management: The Graduate Certificate in Health Care Financial Management will help students apply financial concepts to their work in health care organizations. Current M.H.A. and M.S.H.A. students with an interest in health care finance are encouraged to apply for the certificate program. The program is also open to nondegree-seeking applicants working in health care who wish to strengthen their skillsets.
Graduate Certificate in Health Equity: The Certificate in Health Equity will prepare students to manage factors such as differences in income, education, social and physical environments and access to health care that contribute to health disparities in the U.S. Graduates will be able to identify and advocate for strategies to reduce these disparities and will gain an understanding of the historical context and existing research on the causes and impact of health disparities.
*All VCU health administration degrees are fully accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education.
Where Health Administration grads work
Our graduates become leaders of organizations across the entire health care industry, from providers and suppliers to nonprofits and insurers, in positions like:
- Hospital and clinic managers, directing both financial and health care operations.
- Executive officers at both Fortune 500 corporations and small, community businesses.
- Health care consultants, guiding individuals and companies through the turbulent health care market.
- Operations officers at mental health nonprofits, rehabilitation centers and technology companies.
Contact us
M.H.A. and M.S.H.A. programs
Paige Powell
Program Director (MHA & MSHA)
Doctoral Program in Health Services Organization and Research
Laura McClelland
Associate Professor and Program Director for the Doctoral Program in Health Services Organization and Research
Medical Laboratory Sciences
96% of VCU clinical lab sciences students are employed as medical laboratory scientists or pursuing an advanced degree within three months of graduation
Degrees offered
Bachelor of Science in medical laboratory sciences: An undergraduate degree program that fulfills all the general education requirements of VCU and qualifies graduates to take the national examination for medical laboratory science
Master of Science in medical laboratory sciences: The Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences provides students with advanced theoretical and technical education and prepares them to assume roles as laboratory supervisors, educators and researchers.
Advanced Master of Science with a concentration in medical laboratory sciences: Open to students who have already achieved a B.S. in laboratory sciences; students in the advanced master’s program specialize in both a primary science area and a secondary emphasis in research, education, management or business
Categorical Master of Science with a concentration in medical laboratory sciences: For students with a B.S. in science or chemistry; provides study and a clinical practicum in a chosen area of emphasis and qualifies students to take a national certification examination in that subject
Master of Science with a concentration in public health laboratory sciences: The new concentration is one of only a few in the nation to offer specialized classes taught by public health laboratory professionals, as well as hands-on experience in a public health laboratory. Concentrated classes focus on fundamentals in public health; epidemiology and laboratory surveillance; laboratory techniques and emergency preparedness and response; quality and ethics; as well as a clinical practicum that would allow students to rotate through different DCLS labs.
Accelerated Master of Science with a concentration in medical laboratory sciences: A degree that combines undergraduate and graduate courses to award both a B.S. and M.S. and qualifies students to become certified clinical lab sciences generalists.
*All VCU clinical laboratory sciences degrees are fully accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences.
Where MLS grads work
Seventy percent of all health care decisions require a testing component,* and VCU’s MLS grads are the experts who make those tests happen at places like:
- Microbiology research centers, where they identify new strains of bacteria and help develop new antibiotics to treat them.
- Hematology labs, where they match blood donors with patients, treat blood disorders and analyze abnormal chemical elements found in patients.
- Hospital labs, where they perform specialized testing like PCR, cytogenics, electrophoresis, paternity testing, flow cytometry, mass spectrometry and cell marker technology.
- Immunology clinics, where they study and test immune system responses to foreign infections.
Nurse Anesthesia
No. 6 in the nation among all nurse anesthesia programs, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report
Degrees offered
Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice: Program focuses on the skills necessary for CRNAs to assume leadership positions in education, management and clinical practice in anesthesia; curriculum focused on patient safety and the application of best evidence to practice issues; two-track program that culminates in a practice-oriented doctoral degree. There are two pathways to receive a Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice:
- Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice: Designed for registered nurses interested in becoming Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists
- Post-Master's D.N.A.P.: Developed for CRNAs with a graduate degree
Where Nurse Anesthesia graduates work
One hundred percent of VCU Nurse Anesthesia graduates are employed within six months of graduation. They work in every health care setting with patients who require pain management, sedation or general anesthesia, including:
- Obstetrics, placing epidurals, providing care for caesarean sections, and caring for patients in labor.
- Operating rooms, preparing and caring for patients undergoing a wide range of surgeries, from cardiac surgery to organ transplants.
- Emergency clinics, providing lifesaving airway management to victims who need immediate care.
- Specialist offices, performing many services related to pain management, as well as sedation for procedures like colonoscopies, cosmetic surgeries and GYN procedures.
Occupational Therapy
Ranked No. 14 in the nation among occupational therapy programs by U.S. News and World Report and the only national top 20 occupational therapy program in Virginia
Degrees offered
Occupational Therapy Doctorate: The VCU Occupational Therapy Doctorate program prepares students for entry-level practice. Graduates are equipped with knowledge to be outstanding leaders that utilize a client-centered approach, make decisions based on the best evidence, and create new knowledge and apply that knowledge to practice. There are two pathways to receive an Occupational Therapy Doctorate:
- Entry-level Occupational Therapy Doctorate: For students with a bachelor’s degree but who are new to occupational therapy practice; nine-semester program that includes six months of full-time fieldwork and a semester of doctoral practicum
- Post-professional O.T.D.: A completely online course designed to give working occupational therapists the knowledge of theory, research and practice needed to advance their careers and become leaders in their organizations
Where Occupational Therapy grads work
Occupational therapists help people of all ages to enjoy and participate in everyday activities at home, school, work and in the community. You’ll find our OT grads in places like:
- Rehabilitation clinics, ensuring that injured veterans and people with stroke and brain injuries regain their daily function.
- Skilled nursing centers, improving the quality of life of older people.
- Schools and factories, helping students and workers remain actively engaged in education and employment.
- Home and community, increasing opportunities to age in place, adjust to disability and participate in meaningful activities.
Patient Counseling
The only program in the nation to offer an MS degree for a year of ACPE Accredited Clinical Pastoral Education. Ranked in top 3% out of 450 ACPE centers for research literacy.
Degrees offered
Post-baccalaureate graduate certificate in patient counseling: Provides clinical education for pastoral care professionals, as well as other health care providers in the spiritual care of patients and families within an interdisciplinary context.
Master of Science in patient counseling: Includes concentrations in chaplain certification or accelerated master of science with a concentration in chaplain certification.
*Accredited to offer CPE (I/II) and Certified Educator CPE by ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care & Education
Where Patient Counseling graduates work
Patient Counseling graduates are highly skilled emotional and spiritual caregivers. They work in:
- Hospitals, comforting patients and their families experiencing trauma or illness.
- Private and community health care facilities, helping individuals adjust to or recover from life-changing events.
- Mental health facilities, supporting individuals in recovery from addiction.
- Hospice, providing end-of-life counseling and bereavement services.
Contact us
Angela Flack
Director of Education and ACPE Certified Educator
Brenda Brown
Phone: (804) 828-0540
Physical Therapy
No. 29-ranked physical therapy program in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report
Degrees offered
Doctor of Physical Therapy: A three-year degree program that prepares students for entry into the physical therapy profession
Doctor of Philosophy in rehabilitation and movement science with concentrations in exercise physiology and neuromusculoskeletal dynamics: A collaborative interdisciplinary program among faculty in the areas of exercise science, physical therapy, and physical medicine and rehabilitation that focuses on the development of teaching and research expertise in the applied science disciplines
Where Physical Therapy graduates work
Physical therapists are evidence-based health care professionals who offer individuals cost-effective treatment that improves mobility, relieves pain and reduces the need for surgery and prescription drugs. They work in:
- Hospitals, aiding individuals regain mobility following illness or injury.
- Public and private schools, helping student athletes return to competitive form.
- Nursing homes, assisting the aging population in performing activities of daily living.
- Private offices, using exercises, hands-on therapy and equipment to ease clients’ pain.
Radiation Sciences
Virginia's only Bachelor of Science program concentrating on radiography, radiation therapy, and diagnostic medical sonography
Degrees offered
Bachelor of Science in clinical radiation sciences with concentrations in radiography, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine technology, or diagnostic medical sonography: This program helps students attain clinical competence in entry-level medical imaging or therapeutic procedures; graduates eligible for national certification examinations in their respective area of concentration.
Bachelor of Science in clinical radiation sciences, degree completion program: A program for certified radiologic technologists to complete their bachelor's degree on a full- or part-time basis with concentrations in radiography, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine (Note: Admission to this program is temporarily suspended)
Bachelor of Science in clinical radiation sciences with concentrations in nuclear medicine, radiation therapy or diagnostic medical sonography: A program for radiographers seeking to continue their education in radiation therapy, nuclear medicine or diagnostic medical sonography.
Where Radiation Sciences graduates work
Radiographers, nuclear medicine technologists, radiation therapists, and diagnostic medical sonographers are a critical part of a patient’s health care team. They may work in:
- Hospitals and health care facilities, producing high-quality diagnostic anatomical images.
- Women’s health centers, providing mammograms to detect cancer or conducting sonographic exams.
- Cancer centers, using ionizing radiation to treat disease.
Contact us
Jeffrey S. Legg, Ph.D., RT(R)(CT)(QM)
Associate professor and chair
Phone: (804) 828-9104
Rehabilitation Counseling
No. 6-ranked rehabilitation counseling program in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report
Degrees offered
Master of Science in rehabilitation and mental health counseling with concentrations in clinical mental health counseling and clinical rehabilitation counseling: A full-time course of study that equips students to practice as licensed professional counselors and certified rehabilitation counselors; including supervised fieldwork and internships, the program can be completed in two, three or four years
Certificate in professional counseling: Designed to help students who already have a master's in counseling meet the requirements necessary to become a licensed professional counselor in Virginia or a nationally certified rehabilitation counselor
Where Rehabilitation Counseling graduates work
More than 93 percent of our graduates are employed within six months of graduation. They work in places that include:
- Public vocational rehabilitation services, such as the Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services.
- Public community services boards and private nonprofit mental health, addiction and family agencies, providing case management, counseling and crisis intervention services.
- Private rehabilitation services, offering such services as job training and job placement.
- Veterans’ health services, helping vets transition from military to civilian life.
Contact us
Amy J. Armstrong
Associate Dean of Faculty Development
Phone: (804) 827-0922
Ph.D. in Health Related Sciences
Degrees offered
The College of Health Professions' Ph.D. in Health Related Sciences is a four-year hybrid degree with a core of interdisciplinary health sciences courses and a concentration in one chosen field. The program combines distance and traditional learning so that it is available to working professionals throughout the U.S. Students may pursue this degree with a concentration in any College of Health Professions department.
Contact us
Stacey Reynolds, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Program Director of PhD in Health Related Sciences
Danielle Fife
Student Success and PhD in Health Related Sciences Program Coordinator
B.S. in Health Services
Degrees offered
The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Health Services program is designed to prepare students to work as medical and health services providers, charged with planning, directing, and coordinating medical and health services.
Graduates of the BS program will be prepared to work in diverse healthcare settings, such as hospitals, specific clinical areas or departments within those facilities, health management organizations or in medical practice groups.
Contact us
Laurie Cathers, PhD
Director of BS in Health Services
Laren Mortenson
Senior Program Specialist
Phone: 804-628-5298